viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

St Valentine 2014

Soon it will be St Valentine's Day and as every year , we are getting ready for it. Students of 1st and 2nd of ESO are preparing posters to inspire you, and later we will hang them all over the school. But this year we want to go further and we want you to hold your secret thanks to someone from the school, so we will have a big poster where you can stick your "thank you message" for someone of the school.

En breve veréis el instituto decorado con posters sobre  "LOVE" y amistad. Este año queremos ir más allá y hemos pensado en colgar un gran poster donde podáis pegar vuestros post-its de agradecimiento, aprecio o .... hacía alguien del instituto de forma anónima. Así que ir pensado a quién os gustaría agradecer algo.

Para tener más información sobre esta celebración tenéis que entrar en "festivities" y después marcar "St Valentine"

Last but not least, that it's quite common to give St Valentine's cards to teachers, in fact they are the ones who get most cards on this day, so don't be shy!!!

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